As a quiz host, I genuinely love writing corporate quiz shows for my clients, but sometimes looking at fresh ideas or casting new light on old formats is really quite a headache! It’s not as if I need to make any changes at all to be honest…the format I created some time ago has been the key to my success. It’s never good to stand still so I constantly review everything I do to ensure I provide the best time for my customers.

Recently, with the advent of new AI music technology, I created a quiz round called ‘Drum & Bass.’ The mere thought of that frenetic dance genre sent shivers down the spines of most of the teams on the night, until I explained to them that I’d removed everything from ten popular songs except the drums and bass! So no vocals, no melody…just drums & bass. Their job was to identify the song…although I had clearly overestimated their deeper music knowledge, so the scores were low at best. However, I’m not one to waste a good idea, so now I have used the same technology to remove vocals from popular hits and I ask the teams to give me the missing lines. The only downside to that is the cacophony of tuneless singing whilst they try to get to the answer!